"The Virgin Appears to the Apostle John"
"The Torture of St. John the Evangelist"
"The Vision of the Seven Candlesticks"
"St. John Before God and the Elders"
"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
"The Opening of the Fifth and Sixth Seals"
"The Four Angels Staying the Winds"
"The Seven Trumpets"
"The Four Avenging Angels of Euphrates"
"St. John Devouring the Book"
"The Apocalyptic Woman"
"St. Michael Fighting the Dragon"
"The Beast with Two Horns Like a Lamb"
"The Adoration of the Lamb - The Hymn of the Chosen"
"The Whore of Babylon"
"The Angel Showing St. John the New Jerusalem"